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Henrique Consoni
Henrique Consoni

Mixing With Your Mind.pdf

Mixing With Your Mind: A Book Review

If you are looking for a book that will teach you the technical aspects of audio engineering, such as how to use compressors, EQs, reverbs, and other effects, then this book is not for you. However, if you are looking for a book that will inspire you to think creatively and intuitively about sound, then you might want to check out Mixing With Your Mind by Michael Stavrou.


Mixing With Your Mind is a book on sound philosophy, a way of thinking and approaching a mix. The author, Michael Stavrou, is a veteran sound engineer who has worked with artists such as Paul McCartney, Elton John, Kate Bush, and Sting. He shares his insights and secrets on how to balance sound using your mind, rather than relying on conventional rules and methods.

The book is divided into four parts: Setting up the studio, Recording techniques, Equipment tips, and The art of mixing. Each part contains several chapters that cover topics such as tuning your loudspeakers, advanced microphone technique, cracking compressors, digital vs analog, mixing and meditation, backwards mixing, the time machine, gravity and its effect on music, ear care, hit record formulae, and more. The book is full of anecdotes, diagrams, illustrations, and examples that make it easy to follow and understand.

One of the main concepts that Stavrou introduces in the book is the idea of using different sides of the brain for different tasks. He argues that the left side of the brain is responsible for logic, analysis, and problem-solving, while the right side of the brain is responsible for creativity, intuition, and emotion. He suggests that mixing should be done mostly with the right side of the brain, as it allows you to feel the music and create a sonic picture that matches your vision. He also explains how to switch between the two sides of the brain when needed, such as when setting up the studio or dealing with technical issues.

Another concept that Stavrou emphasizes in the book is the importance of listening to your ears rather than your eyes. He warns against relying too much on visual aids such as meters, graphs, screens, and labels, as they can distract you from what really matters: how the sound makes you feel. He encourages you to trust your ears and your instincts, and to experiment with different settings and techniques until you find what works for you. He also gives tips on how to train your ears and take care of them.

Mixing With Your Mind is not a typical audio engineering book. It does not give you step-by-step instructions or formulas on how to mix. Instead, it gives you a new perspective and a new way of thinking about sound. It challenges you to question everything you know and to explore new possibilities. It inspires you to be more creative and more intuitive in your mixing process.

If you are interested in reading this book, you can find it online as a PDF file, or you can order a hardcover copy from the author's website. You can also read some reviews from other readers on Goodreads. Whether you are a beginner or a professional in audio engineering, this book will surely enrich your knowledge and skills in mixing with your mind.


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