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1 When brazing with cadmium bearing materials or when cutting on such materials increased rates of ventilation may be required.2 Nearest half-inch duct diameter based on 4,000 feet per minute velocity in pipe. 1910.252(c)(3)(ii) Fixed enclosure. A fixed enclosure with a top and not less than two sides which surround the welding or cutting operations and with a rate of airflow sufficient to maintain a velocity away from the welder of not less than 100 linear feet (30 m) per minute. 1910.252(c)(4) Ventilation in confined spaces - 1910.252(c)(4)(i) Air replacement. All welding and cutting operations carried on in confined spaces shall be adequately ventilated to prevent the accumulation of toxic materials or possible oxygen deficiency. This applies not only to the welder but also to helpers and other personnel in the immediate vicinity. All air replacing that withdrawn shall be clean and respirable. 1910.252(c)(4)(ii) Airline respirators. In circumstances for which it is impossible to provide such ventilation, airline respirators or hose masks approved for this purpose by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) under 42 CFR part 84 must be used. 1910.252(c)(4)(iii) Self-contained units. In areas immediately hazardous to life, a full-facepiece, pressure-demand, self-contained breathing apparatus or a combination full-facepiece, pressure-demand supplied-air respirator with an auxiliary, self-contained air supply approved by NIOSH under 42 CFR part 84 must be used. 1910.252(c)(4)(iv) Outside helper. Where welding operations are carried on in confined spaces and where welders and helpers are provided with hose masks, hose masks with blowers or self-contained breathing equipment approved by the Mine Safety and Health Administration and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, a worker shall be stationed on the outside of such confined spaces to insure the safety of those working within. 1910.252(c)(4)(v) Oxygen for ventilation. Oxygen shall never be used for ventilation. 1910.252(c)(5) Fluorine compounds - 1910.252(c)(5)(i) General. In confined spaces, welding or cutting involving fluxes, coverings, or other materials which contain fluorine compounds shall be done in accordance with paragraph (c)(4) of this section. A fluorine compound is one that contains fluorine, as an element in chemical combination, not as a free gas. 1910.252(c)(5)(ii) Maximum allowable concentration. The need for local exhaust ventilation or airline respirators for welding or cutting in other than confined spaces will depend upon the individual circumstances. However, experience has shown such protection to be desirable for fixed-location production welding and for all production welding on stainless steels. Where air samples taken at the welding location indicate that the fluorides liberated are below the maximum allowable concentration, such protection is not necessary. 1910.252(c)(6) Zinc - 1910.252(c)(6)(i) Confined spaces. In confined spaces welding or cutting involving zinc-bearing base or filler metals or metals coated with zinc-bearing materials shall be done in accordance with paragraph (c)(4) of this section. 1910.252(c)(6)(ii) Indoors. Indoors, welding or cutting involving zinc-bearing base or filler metals coated with zinc-bearing materials shall be done in accordance with paragraph (c)(3) of this section. 1910.252(c)(7) Lead - 1910.252(c)(7)(i) Confined spaces. In confined spaces, welding involving lead-base metals (erroneously called lead-burning) shall be done in accordance with paragraph (c)(4) of this section. 1910.252(c)(7)(ii) Indoors. Indoors, welding involving lead-base metals shall be done in accordance with paragraph (c)(3) of this section. 1910.252(c)(7)(iii) Local ventilation. In confined spaces or indoors, welding or cutting operations involving metals containing lead, other than as an impurity, or metals coated with lead-bearing materials, including paint, must be done using local exhaust ventilation or airline respirators. Such operations, when done outdoors, must be done using respirators approved for this purpose by NIOSH under 42 CFR part 84. In all cases, workers in the immediate vicinity of the cutting operation must be protected by local exhaust ventilation or airline respirators. 1910.252(c)(8) Beryllium. Welding or cutting indoors, outdoors, or in confined spaces involving beryllium-containing base or filler metals shall be done using local exhaust ventilation and airline respirators unless atmospheric tests under the most adverse conditions have established that the workers' exposure is within the acceptable concentrations defined by 1910.1000 of this part. In all cases, workers in the immediate vicinity of the welding or cutting operations shall be protected as necessary by local exhaust ventilation or airline respirators.
First, install the appropriate version with AutoCAD installed on your system, AutoCAD may run automatically after installation, close it, copy the patch file in the crack folder to the software installation location, and in Run As mode Run Administrator.
Click on Patch and in the window that opens, select the CADEARTH.dll file from the software installation location. The Successfully Patched message should be displayed. Then run AutoCAD and select Apply license and Pause / Start Subscription from the CAD-Earth menu in the License Management section. The app is now ready to use. You can check the activation status from the same menu, Help section, and About option.
Let us start at the west end of the Beauvais choir, where construction began in 1225 (Murray 1989: 60). At a time very close to this, Villard de Honnecourt captured the plan of a Cistercian church designed around squares (une [é]glize desquarié) where the bays of the main vessel are made up of double squares equaling half the crossing square and the aisles are squares equaling one quarter of that central square (fol. 14v in Barnes 2009: color plate 31; see also Hiscock 2004). With such a linear matrix the spatial form of the church can be compressed: conceptualized and held in the head as a mnemonic image. This compressive phase might then lead to expansion as the elements of the building are extended and laid out full scale on the ground, controlled by a grid of stretched ropes. Our search for a comparable mechanism at Beauvais Cathedral is frustrated because only one of the four crossing piers (to the south east) is original: the western crossing piers were built by Martin and Pierre Chambiges in the early sixteenth century, and the northeastern crossing pier was rebuilt after the collapse of the crossing tower in 1573.11
How should we understand the apparent irregularities of the east-west dimensions and the twisted hemicycle What we are dealing with at Beauvais is a combination of error and artifice. The error may be easily quantified: as work advanced from west to east, exterior to interior, the builders failed to coordinate the bay divisions anticipated in the great exterior buttresses with the placements of the interior supports, which, at the base of the hemicycle on the north side, have been allowed to slip a full 60 centimeters beyond their due positions.23 153554b96e